Week of 10/7/18
Here are all the previous listings of job and internship opportunities PUEA has posted. While many of these opportunities may be out of date or no longer offered, the companies or organizations that sponsor them are a great place to start if the current PUEA list does not cover your interests.
NRG is recruiting for a summer internship position on the Strategy and Market intelligence team in Princeton!
In addition, here are some opportunities we listed in last week's Power Surge:
- The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has unpaid internships available for the summer: two positions each in the Office of Policy and Planning, Office of Clean Energy, and the Office of Communications, as well as a few others posted here!
- Gridworks (formerly More Than Smart) is recruiting for a Research and Policy internship in Oakland, CA.
- There are paid internships available at Solar Holler.
- Aganza, multiple jobs & locations
- Here is info on a full-time position for a sales operations analyst at Voltus (demand response startup)
- And a Policy Associate Job Description for the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance in Atlanta, GA!
For the last five bullet points, feel free to contact CeCe Coffey '15 for more information (cecelia.m.coffey@gmail.com) as she knows the posters and " would be happy to answer any questions/ connect students with employees at these organizations."